In today’s digital age, internet banking has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering convenience and accessibility to manage our finances.

How To Retrieve GTB Internet Banking Login
How To Retrieve GTB Internet Banking Login

How To Retrieve GTB Internet Banking Login

Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) is one of the leading banks in Nigeria, known for its innovative and user-friendly internet banking platform. However, there are times when we may forget our login details, such as the username and password, and need to retrieve them. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to retrieve your GTB internet banking login.

Visit the GTBank Website

To start the process of retrieving your GTB internet banking login, you need to visit the official GTBank website. You can do this using a web browser on your computer or a mobile device. The web address for GTBank’s website is (

Click on “Login”

Once you’re on the GTBank website, look for the “Login” option, usually located in the top right corner of the homepage. Click on it to access the internet banking login page.

Click on “Forgot Password” or “Forgot Username”

On the internet banking login page, you will see options to retrieve your forgotten username or password. Select the appropriate option based on what you need to retrieve. If you’ve forgotten both your username and password, you will likely need to start with the username.

Retrieve Your Username

If you’ve chosen to retrieve your username, you’ll be asked to provide the following details:

  • Your Account Number
  • Your Mobile Number
  • Your Date of Birth

Make sure the information you provide is accurate and matches the bank’s records. Once you’ve filled in the required details, click on the “Retrieve” or “Submit” button.

Retrieve Your Password

If you need to retrieve your password, you will be prompted to enter your username and the mobile number associated with your account. Ensure the information is correct and click on “Retrieve” or “Submit.”

Follow the Verification Process

After submitting the necessary details, GTBank will initiate a verification process. This may involve sending a One-Time Password (OTP) to your registered mobile number or email address.

Create a New Password

Once you receive the OTP, enter it in the provided space. After successful verification, you will be allowed to create a new password for your internet banking account. Make sure the new password is strong and secure.

Login With Your New Details

After creating a new password, go back to the login page, enter your retrieved username, and your newly created password. You can now access your GTB internet banking account with your updated login details.

It’s essential to keep your login details in a secure place to avoid losing them in the future. If you encounter any difficulties during the retrieval process, you can contact GTBank’s customer support through their customer care hotline or email for further assistance.


In conclusion, forgetting your internet banking login details can be a common occurrence, but with GTBank’s straightforward retrieval process, you can quickly regain access to your account. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to retrieve your GTB internet banking login with ease and continue to enjoy the convenience and efficiency of online banking.

Frequently Asked Questions

 What Should I do if I Forget my GTB Internet Banking Username and Password?

If you forget both your username and password, you’ll typically need to start by retrieving your username, and then proceed to reset your password.

How Can I Retrieve My Forgotten Username for GTB Internet Banking?

To retrieve your username, visit the GTBank website, click on “Login,” and then select “Forgot Username.” You’ll be asked to provide your account number, mobile number, and date of birth. Follow the verification process and create a new password.

What if I Need to Retrieve My Password for GTB Internet Banking?

If you’ve forgotten your password, select “Forgot Password” on the internet banking login page. Enter your username and the mobile number associated with your account. Follow the verification process and create a new password.

Can I Retrieve Both My Username and Password Simultaneously for GTB Internet Banking?

Typically, you need to start by retrieving your username and then proceed to reset your password. GTB may have different procedures for each.

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By Dee

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